Friday, August 21, 2009
lamenye xmenulis....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Jalan-jalan kat KLCC
Thursday, April 23, 2009
dikerjakan oleh project!!!!!!!!!
lepas meletop kuar spark..naseb bek serpihan xmsk mate..lg sket..yg kecik tu le L293D a.k.a motor driver
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
exm mode~~
Monday, March 23, 2009
weekend kat umah ayu
kat dlm kete
cite yg kitorang tgk
Friday, March 20, 2009
manusia bermacam ragam..
p/s:ramai lg org pelik yg aku jumpe kat cni..harap2 aku xpelik pd pandangan org lain..
Saturday, March 14, 2009
antara bhn2 nye
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
ANSYS test..
ni plak thermal analysis
actually, aku pon xpaham ape ke bende ni sume..huahuahuahua..buat je la..asal dpt buat mase test nnt klu lecturer tu tny pelik2 xtau la nk jwb ape..btw..bile gi kelas ari ni, lecturer ckp test tu postponed next monday..nice..still got time to practice and practice..yeay!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
~wishes oh wishes~
1) Make a list of what u want on your birthday
2) The list should be 10 numbers
3) post the image of this award to your posting
4) give it to 10 frens of yours
Waahhhh andai la kate semua ni menjadi kenyataan kan
1- nak jd engineer kat canon..huhuhu
2- nk beli kete suzuki swift..vroom..vroom..xpon toyota rush..xpon BMW
3-nk wat umah..lagi besar dr umah naya tuh..khas utk umi
4- nk pegi holland..cantek tau tmpt tu
5-nk beli lap top sony v yg pocket tu
6- nk beli sume stuff brand guess or elle
7- nk beli make up byk2
8- nk bwk my parent round the world
9- get close with someone yg i suke tu...heeeeeeee
10- all my wishes above come true
xnk letak awrd bleh tak???saje je...xleh nk tag org lain la
xde sgt kwn yg ade blog...
Don't rush while eating.
Eating in a relax way
promotes better digestion
2- Eat slowly
digestion begins in your mouth
chewing your food well helps your body
absorb nutrient better.
3- Limit portion
Overeating can tax your digestive
system. Try eating smaller meal more frequently.
4- Get a mini workout
skip the lifts and used he stair instead
for a good cardio workout. It burns up
to 5 calories each minute
5- Go shopping
All that walking will help you burn
up to 174 calories per hour..
6- Radiate with beauty
exfoliate and renew your skin by mixing
baking soda with water. It makes a great
natural facial scrub
7- Dance everyday
Every morning turn on the stereo
and get energised for the day with a short
dance session in your living room. You'll
break a sweat and burn a few calories.
8- Tone and tighten around the house
Try calf raises while you iron, leg lifts when you
washing dishes and deep squts and lunges
while tending the garden
I like no.5..hoho..xdpt shopping, window shopping pon aku xkesah..suke sgt!!!nk wat pengakuan kat sini..actually,almost every week aku gi midvalley..i love that place..pegi xbeli ape2 pon..
mmg totally window shopping...huhuhu..singgah midvaley sblom pegi umah kak ngah..sbb tu la aku slalu lmbt..hehe..sorry, kak ngah..
new stuff in my closet~~
p/s: i think i'm crushing!!!!wheeeeeeeeeeeey
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
fyp oh fyp
kwn2 and kakak2 ku sekalian, tlg doakan sy dpt siap project ni ye!!!
thank u..
Monday, March 2, 2009
plan lepas abes blaja
tp aku harap sgt dpt keje bagus..byk bende yg aku nk buat bile da keje..bende yg paling aku nk buat sgt renovate rumah..tu first bende yg aku akan buat bile aku da confirmed keje...beli kete ke ape tu blkg kire..:)
Doa byk2..rezeki dtg dr ALLAH..rezeki ade kat mane2..yg penting usaha dan doa..
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Gossip Girl!!!
Well,today I woke up early..actually, it’ll be water interrupted at anytime, before the water is running out,baik aku mandi awl2..sementara air msh class today will be at, I got time to continue my sleep..try to sleep but I can’t..then, I decided to watch Gossip girl..season 1 ade few episodes yg xtgk lg..da lame br nk tgk blk..i love this tv series..sambil menikmati kesedapan oat 3 in 1, I enjoyed watching this tv series..smp abes season 1..suke character Dan..he’s cool and very gentleman..suke jugak kwn2 Serena..though diorang byk scandal sesame diorang tp bile 1 of them in trouble, diorang akan least be a good listener..that’s what friend for..bkn mcm
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….and finally, I manage to finish the assignment at 1.30 am..sangap gile nk mengabiskan assignment tu..huhu..nk kene lipat baju dulu..huhu..