Friday, August 21, 2009

lamenye xmenulis....

hai semua...
lame kan xupdate blog ni..berbulan2..lps abes je blajar terus senyap menyepi..huhu..bkn ape..bile da abes blaja ni da xbyk, xde la cite nk dikongsi bersama..ckp psl abes blaja,Alhamdulillah sumenye selamat..sumenye lepas..w/pon result xde la memberansangkan sgt..yg penting xde la aku sangkut..huhu..(pttnye aku cite mende2 ni lame dulu)..hmm,klu xde aral InsyaAllah aku convo bln 10 ni(10,11 and 12)...tarikh xkonfem lg..kene tgg surat sampai..perasaan pas abes blajar ni mmg best..sbb xyah pk da psl assignment,quiz, jauh dlm hati aku rindu mase2 blaja dulu..rindu lepak2 ngan kawan2,borak smp tgh mlm...then layan muvi ngan diorang..gossip..activiti waktu ptg..sume tu aku tu la..mase akan terus berlalu tp memori2 tu akan ttp diingati...
sedar tak sedar, da 3 bln aku dok la aku tau betapa sshnye nk dpt keje..nk dpt panggilan interview pon ssh..kadang2 nk nangis rasenye..takaut..takut aku akan menganggur sampai tua..uwaaaaaaaaa..xnk la camtu xpe..rezeki tu dtg dr ALLAH..kite kene berusah tanpa rase give up......InsyaAllah..spt yg slalu aku ckp pd diri sendiri, sabar itu akan membawa kita kpd sesuatu yg lebih baik...(ayat yg slalu aku gune utk pujuk diri sendiri bile aku ade problem).....
Esok bemula la Ramadhan..semoga ramadhan kali ini akan dipenuhi dgn amalan2 yg baik..selamat berpuasa semua........

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jalan-jalan kat KLCC

Smlm poster presentation final project..Alhamdulillah..sume berjln dgn lancar..Then, ptg da nk maghrib kot ktorang wat plan last minute g KLCC..jln2 snap pics..pegi 3 org je..aku ngan 2 org rumate aku..actually da lame aku xjejak KLCC..last pg mase jumpe ofa 3 thn or 2 thn yg lps..padahal KLCC ngan UIA dkt mmg jarang gile pegi..agaknye sbb xkeje lg, nk window2 shopping kat situ pon rase gerun..bile da keje nnt,hari2 nk gi jln2 kat situ..huhuhu..aku yg cadangkan pegi KLCC ni..sbb my fren, Hafiz Jabar a.k.a Jab dok recommend kat aku spagetti kat food court kat situ sedap gile..harga plak RM7 je..die kate klu aku mkn konfem diam tak terkata..da lame da nk gi xde mase yg, bile my rumate tny nk gi jln2 kt mane..aku pon terus cadangkan gi KLCC..sbb nk gi try spagetti tuh..sampai2 kat sane terus kitorang pg food court cr kedai spagetti kedai tu PIZA MILANO..aku pon terus order Spagetti Bolognese..nmpk pon cam sedap..bile mkn....pergh...mmg sedap..very nice..btol la ape yg Jab ckp..(Jab ko bleh jd duta utk kedai tuh)..sume berasa..kuah die pekat..rase daging..die punye cheese tu pon berasa..mmg sedap..pastu,kitorang share duit order piza plak..piza die pon sedap..roti lembot gile..xrugi pon mkn kat situ..mmg puas time pg aku nk try lasagna plak..then, pas mkn kitorang pon jln2 tangkap gambar..kat luar KLCC..kt dlm KLCC..sume tempat...
spagetti bolognese yg sedap

menikmati hidangan

piza pon sedap

aku smp baring2 kt ctu sbb nk dpt background tu

di dlm klcc

ade byk lg pics mls da nk upload..huhuhu..sekian

Thursday, April 23, 2009

dikerjakan oleh project!!!!!!!!!

Last week final exm da, skang ni tgh berhempas pulas ngan da antar report..xtau la cemane..seelah bbrp kali kene hentam ngan supervisor..huhu..project plak wat hal xnk dr satellite da dpt gune GPS receiver tuh..punye la ssh nk dpt..sbb xbrp nk stable..sbb klu ikotkan datasheet kene pakai basic supervisor kitorang suh pakai data tu xbleh nk gerakkan motor..may be problem ngan programming..smalam nk dijadikan cerita..mase tgh test circuit tibe2 L293D a.k.a motor driver meletup..kuar spark..berlubang la chip tu..xtau nape..nk kate connection salah rase da btol da..bile check lps meletop tu mmg konfem tu la..aku ni pon bkan la terrer sgt electronic2 ni..apetah lg programming..huhu..tension gak..rase cam nk pecah otak da nih..ape2 pon, kene confident mase present nnt..klu programming tu xjln gak, terpaksa la wat die gerak secara manual...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........
ni la GPS receiver tuh
circuit skang da wat br..cantek xsempat amik gambar lg

lepas meletop kuar spark..naseb bek serpihan xmsk mate..lg sket..yg kecik tu le L293D a.k.a motor driver

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

exm mode~~

Da lame xupdate blog ngan exm and fyp..exm da abes 3 paper..tggl 1 paper je lg..robotics..17 lame..lebey kurang 10 ari..ikotkan hati nk blk kampong tiket mahal la blk da, sabar je la..huhu..amik peluang ni siapkn project..hhuhuu..skang nih tgh mengalami masalah emosi yg xberape kritikal..eheh..biar la menjadi rahsia..huahuahuahuahua..

Monday, March 23, 2009

weekend kat umah ayu

i spent my last weekend kat umah ayu..kat kg. Jiboi Baru, Seremban..plannye nk survey tmpt kat PD..sbb pas psentation FYP nnt kiorang nk wat BBQ kat sane..nape PD ah??hmm..aku pon idea ni Kamilah (my classmate) yg propose..aku setju je la..da pg sane, tp xjumpe plak tmpt yg kitorang nk, abah ayu ckp nnt die tny kwn2, kitorang pon jln2 la kat Jusco Seremban 2..aku pon xpenah jln2 kt ctu..beli tiket wyg utk mlm nnt..pastu jln2 tgk makeup..biasela..kitorang klu kuar mesti pg tgk2 makeup..pastu msk butik MOMOE..tgk baju, kasut ngan handbag..mmg tu la rutin kitorang klu kuar..hehehe..pastu blk umah ayu...then, kuar lg teman ayu jumpe dentist..die tkr braces pink plak kali ni..blk umah da maghrib..siap2 sbb mlm tu nk gi tgk wyg plak(tibe2 tringat duit tiket wyg xbyr lg)..pas mkn, kitorang terus pg ke Jusco Seremban 2 parking cket punye ramai plak..satuurday nite kot..then, kitorang berlari pg ke wyg..smp mmg ngam2.hehe...tgk cite Race To Witch Mountai..action movie tp klakar..gelak je kitorang kt dlm wyg tu..mmg wat aku xngantuk la cite it la..kul 11.45 kitorang smp umah..ayu terus tdo..aku plak berjage smp kul 1 lebey tdo..esknye plak kitorang dok kat umah je..ayu practice piano..aku plak bertenet..haha..seronok dpt gi umah la..spanjang idop aku ni kali ke 2 aku overnite rumah member..mase skolah dulu pon xpernah..hehe..baik kan aku ni~~gi umah ayu, jumpe parent ayu buat aku rindu kat umah sendiri..rindu kat umi ngan abah..w/pon last week br je jumpe umi ngan abah..mkn masakan emak ayu wat aku rindu masakan umi..huhu..rase cam da lame xmkn..especially sambal belacan umi..ikan kering ayoh wat..etc..tibe2 rase nk nangis plak..huhu..lmbtnye lg nk blk!!!!!!!!!!ape2 pon..mmg best gi umah ayu..emak ayu msk pon best..abah ayu pon sporting.siap bg bekal roti plak tu..hehehe
mase pas tgk wyg..aku cam serabai kan..huhu

kat dlm kete

cite yg kitorang tgk

Friday, March 20, 2009

manusia bermacam ragam..

aduss..aku pelik ngan perangai bdak klas aku sorang ni..kecoh and gelabah terlebey..menyampah aku...br2 ni kitorang midterm..ade la bbrp subject yg agak ssh tu kitorang bwk ar toyol utk membantu mane2 yg ptt..bak kate org la kan..nk idop kene ar pandai2..pastu si minah kecoh tu letak kt shout out fb die "aku xrespect ngan org yg tiru mase exm.."(cam gitu la ayat die)..daaaaaaaa..pliz la..mmg ar xbaik mid term je pon..time ni ar nk wat..mase final exm, mane berani nk wat weihhhhhhh..sengal la minah ni..huhu..pastu smlm kitorang ade lg 2nd midterm utk subject robotics..tgk2 die pon meniru skali..daaaaa..tlg ar..ckp xserupe bikin..da la 1 day b4 exm ckp xnk amik 2nd midterm..kononnye bdak laki ramai xnk amik..bile tny bdak laki xde pon yg ckp xnk amik..bdak laki plak ckp "bkn bdak pompuan ke yg xnk amik?"(camtu la lebey kurang)..gile wat cite pompuan nih..last2 tercongok gak die kt klas tu menjwb mmg die sgt la pelik..aku xtau cemane bf die bleh thn ngan perangai die..aku slalu gak ar kene ngan pompuan wat xlyn je la..sbb die da mmg psychotic!!!!

p/s:ramai lg org pelik yg aku jumpe kat cni..harap2 aku xpelik pd pandangan org lain..

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Quite a boring day..xtau nk wat ape..i wanna go home!!!!tu je yg berlegar2 kat dlm fikiran ni teringat..ade 1 cite..ari khamis lps pg mkn steambot kat roomate Asyiqin belanje..sempena besday die aritu..terbalik kan..pttnye kite yg belanje org yg smbt Asyiqin..Happy besday once again..semoga pjg umur, murah rezeki and have a wonderful life ade few pics snap mase tgh mkn2 tu
practis pakai chop fail gak..huahuahua
besday gal kene pecahkan telur
bhn2 steambot..bertingkat2
Eqin pilih set C..masing2 diam xterkate..hehe
br letak separuh bhn2 die..da penuh..byk gile
bleh abis sbb sumenye adalah pirana!!!

antara bhn2 nye

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


If someone ask me 'what is your favorite makeup stuff??', my answer will be EYELINER..hehe..why??sbb bile pakai eyeliner aku rase cam more confident..haha..yeke??sbb tu la, pegi mane2 pon mesti aku nk pakai eyeliner. Even pegi klas. Walau cemane lmbt skali pon, eyeliner is a must. And today, as usual la aku gi kelas pakai eyeliner..mase da abes klas suddenly my classmate,Baihaqi, tny, ko pakai celak eh??so, aku jwb la, Aah..nape? then die senyum je without answering my question. lantak ko la Bai..dlm hati, br perasan ke??rasenye hari2 pon aku pakai eyeliner nih..huhu..then, tibe2 Syuq plak tegur, 'ida, cantek ar mata ko...."dgn gembiranye aku jwb "hah, yeke??thank u"..hehe..ape lagi..terperasan la sekejap..sape yg xperasan klu ade org puji mate die cantik..lelaki plak tu yg to my eyeliner..tu blom lagi org yg aku suke tu puji..klu die yg puji, konfem terduduk aku kat situ...huahuahuahuahuahuahuahua

ni la eyeliner ku..ade 3..satu in2it, satu silky girl, satu lagi elianto..aku suke pakai yg in2it..sbb warne die agak naik cket.Yg elianto plak jenis yg ade gliter2..syg nk pakai..hehe

ANSYS test..

Patutnye hari ni aku ade test ANSYS (lecturer bg problem kite solve pakai software ansys), yesterday i spent most of my time at CAD lab..sampai mlm la aku bertapa kat engineering faculty..ingat nk install kat pc ade problem plak..da brp kali percubaan stiil xberjaya terpaksa la sacrifice dok kat engine ni 1 hari..practice and practice..ssh gak..problem yg lecturer kasi, me and my friends(amiza yg perasan cantik and kamilah yg perasan cute) divide la soaln tu..nnt bleh share2..stelah beberape kali percubaan, ini lah hasilnye:
bridge bile kite deformed or deflected..yg merah tu makne maximum strees (ye ke??)

ni plak thermal analysis

actually, aku pon xpaham ape ke bende ni sume..huahuahuahua..buat je la..asal dpt buat mase test nnt klu lecturer tu tny pelik2 xtau la nk jwb ape..btw..bile gi kelas ari ni, lecturer ckp test tu postponed next monday..nice..still got time to practice and practice..yeay!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

~wishes oh wishes~

Tetibe kak a tag nk nk paste je la kat cni..nk ambik ati..hehehehe

1) Make a list of what u want on your birthday

2) The list should be 10 numbers

3) post the image of this award to your posting

4) give it to 10 frens of yours

Waahhhh andai la kate semua ni menjadi kenyataan kan

1- nak jd engineer kat canon..huhuhu

2- nk beli kete suzuki swift..vroom..vroom..xpon toyota rush..xpon BMW

3-nk wat umah..lagi besar dr umah naya tuh..khas utk umi

4- nk pegi holland..cantek tau tmpt tu

5-nk beli lap top sony v yg pocket tu

6- nk beli sume stuff brand guess or elle

7- nk beli make up byk2

8- nk bwk my parent round the world

9- get close with someone yg i suke tu...heeeeeeee

10- all my wishes above come true

xnk letak awrd bleh tak???saje je...xleh nk tag org lain la
xde sgt kwn yg ade blog...


1- Relax during meals
Don't rush while eating.
Eating in a relax way
promotes better digestion

2- Eat slowly
digestion begins in your mouth
chewing your food well helps your body
absorb nutrient better.

3- Limit portion
Overeating can tax your digestive
system. Try eating smaller meal more frequently.

4- Get a mini workout
skip the lifts and used he stair instead
for a good cardio workout. It burns up
to 5 calories each minute

5- Go shopping
All that walking will help you burn
up to 174 calories per hour..

6- Radiate with beauty
exfoliate and renew your skin by mixing
baking soda with water. It makes a great
natural facial scrub

7- Dance everyday
Every morning turn on the stereo
and get energised for the day with a short
dance session in your living room. You'll
break a sweat and burn a few calories.

8- Tone and tighten around the house
Try calf raises while you iron, leg lifts when you
washing dishes and deep squts and lunges
while tending the garden

I like no.5..hoho..xdpt shopping, window shopping pon aku xkesah..suke sgt!!!nk wat pengakuan kat sini..actually,almost every week aku gi midvalley..i love that place..pegi xbeli ape2 pon..
mmg totally window shopping...huhuhu..singgah midvaley sblom pegi umah kak ngah..sbb tu la aku slalu lmbt..hehe..sorry, kak ngah..

new stuff in my closet~~

i bought a new blouse..huhu..i like it but segan nk pakai gi fren said i look a little bit kurus pakai baju tu..but i don't think so..huhu..


Damn!!!smlm exm robotics..ssh gile..huhu..xtau cemane nk described how difficult it was..i'm so worried laa..huhu..

p/s: i think i'm crushing!!!!wheeeeeeeeeeeey

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

fyp oh fyp

huhu..progress project ni sungguh lmbt laa..coz aku xterrer sgt programming..circuit da siap..tggl programming je..GPS module plak kene pakai basic stamp klu ikut manual kitorang punye project pakai programming die lain la dgn yg die bg dlm manual..tu yg jd masalah skang..dgn sikap malas yg semakin melampau dr hari ke nasib baik semngt masih ade..semangat itu yg mengatasi sikap malas dan menggerakkan aku utk terus berusaha dlm menyiapkan project ini..huhu..jap lg nk gi jumpe Mr Hazrat (bdak master dr bangladesh)..nasib baik gak ade die..bleh gak mintak tlg die..
kwn2 and kakak2 ku sekalian, tlg doakan sy dpt siap project ni ye!!!
thank u..

Monday, March 2, 2009

plan lepas abes blaja

InsyaAllah..dlm bln 5 ni klu xde aral melintang aku abes blaja..huhu..seronok tp takut..dgn keadaan ekonomi skarang xtau la dpt keje ke tak..klu bleh nk keje la..xnk la menganggur..kan??aku ngan kak ngah plan nk wat bisnes cake pas abes blaja nnt..kak ngah nk wat cupcake..aku ok xreti sgt la nk decorate cantik2..kene blaja tu..aku klu boleh nk wat cake choclate je.coz cake tu da slalu kene practice lagi nk dptkan texture yg bagus..harap2 jadi la bisnes ni kan..sambil2 cr keje..baik kite wat bisnes..masuk gak duit..kak ngah kate kite punye first market nursery aizara..hehe..klu ok br bleh luaskan market sblom tu nk keje part time..ape2 pon xkesah..janji dpt duit..sbb byk bende aku nk beli..klu xde duit aku bleh jd murung kot..keje cashier kat secret recipe pon xpe..aku pon suke..cashier kat econjaya pon aku xkesah..haha..
tp aku harap sgt dpt keje bagus..byk bende yg aku nk buat bile da keje..bende yg paling aku nk buat sgt renovate rumah..tu first bende yg aku akan buat bile aku da confirmed keje...beli kete ke ape tu blkg kire..:)
Doa byk2..rezeki dtg dr ALLAH..rezeki ade kat mane2..yg penting usaha dan doa..


kat dlm kelas finite element analysis..lecturer da abes ngajar..then suh kitorang wat keje sendiri..ape lg,take the opprtunity to update blog la..klas ni quite boring..sbb lecturer cam nk kite blaja sendiri..most of the time..da la ssh..after midterm aritu kitorang diajar utk pakai software ANSYS..actually this software is quite good to be learnt coz byk gune kat sebenarnye blaja bende lecturer ni ajar laju last klas aku dpt wat smp siap..tu pon dgn bantuan kwn sebelah..hehe..hope next time dpt buat sendiri sampai siap..

Sunday, February 22, 2009


huhuhu..suda lame tidak mengupdatekan blog ni..xde idea la nk tulis..huhuhu

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gossip Girl!!!

Well,today I woke up early..actually, it’ll be water interrupted at anytime, before the water is running out,baik aku mandi awl2..sementara air msh class today will be at, I got time to continue my sleep..try to sleep but I can’t..then, I decided to watch Gossip girl..season 1 ade few episodes yg xtgk lg..da lame br nk tgk blk..i love this tv series..sambil menikmati kesedapan oat 3 in 1, I enjoyed watching this tv series..smp abes season 1..suke character Dan..he’s cool and very gentleman..suke jugak kwn2 Serena..though diorang byk scandal sesame diorang tp bile 1 of them in trouble, diorang akan least be a good listener..that’s what friend for..bkn mcm Georgina..i hate that woman..waht a cow..haha..emo plak..padahal it’s juz a story..haha..can't wait to watch the 2nd season..


Huhuhu..saje nk share kat cni psl assignment FEA ni..mmg tak msk akal..tau tak ape assgnmentnye..aku kene redo all the equations in chapter 1..tau tak brp byk..105’s not just redo, but we have to make a little bit explaination about the equations...panjang plak tuh equations die..waaaaa..byk weihh..da la xphm..lecturer tu jenis yg tak mengajar sgt..jenis yg nk student blajar yg risau gle nih..tkt xsempat siap..mengambil mase almost 2 days..Serius aku langsung xphm equations2 ni..
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….and finally, I manage to finish the assignment at 1.30 am..sangap gile nk mengabiskan assignment tu..huhu..nk kene lipat baju dulu..huhu..

Sunday, January 11, 2009

activities last week

lame da xtulis blog..xtau nk cite ape..last week almost everyday aku jln2..g cr brg projek, gi tesco selayang, gi carrefour kepong, gi uptown danau kota..hehe..jln2 je gak..lupe masalah..dok bilik plak keje aku wat decoration dlm bilik..kasi lawa cket..cite psl bilik, sem ni aku dpt roomates baru..2 org..due2 junior..sebaya abg chik..huhu..rase tua plak..sbb diorang la aku asyik wat decoration dlm bilik la..diorang decorate bilik diorang lawa, aku xbleh kalah laa..hehe..pastu ade 1 bilik kosong..kitorang jd kan our pantry..buat air, masak maggie ke sume kat situ..hehe..risau gak..tkt ade spotcheck..karang xpsl2 kene compound..sbb letak brg kat bilik org lain..klu kene, melayang la rm50..huhu..nk letak gambar xtransfer lg..nnt la letak..